It's Just Too Easy
I promise to stop posting Speak Outs. But this is another doozy from today:
TO THE person worried about the drag show at Southeast Missouri State University: Please open your mind. It was put on by a student organization, and the funds for it were raised by the student organization, not costing any taxpayer any money. Nobody is forced to go to the performance, so no one is trying to recruit members. There are lots of activities sponsored by religious groups on campus. This would technically fall under the same category. I do not practice the same religion as all the groups on campus. Are they trying to recruit me? People need to stop throwing stones.
Well, gosh darn it. I'm as enlightened as the next hetero. But don't think I'm gonna lump Elton John and the cast of Priscilla, Queen of the Dessert in with the Dalai Lama. (OK, bad example. The Lama does wear pretty fabulous sashes.) But, um, exactly what religion is vamping "technically the same category"?
They both wear funny outfits and creep people out?
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