Living in the Limelight...the universal dream

Rush has announced a tour this summer and fall:
Camden, NJ 7/6/07 for our new friend Carroll Gardens, if he is a Rush fan
Holmdel, NJ 7/8/07 for Carroll
Dallas 8/11/07 for Rick
San Antonio 8/12/07 for Rick
Houston 8/14/07 for Rick
St. Louis - 8/24/07 for everyone else in Gibblerland
Chicago- 9/8/07 for me for more info
Does this working man have a universal dream while he looks at the moving pictures?
Ahhh, the Rush Challenge is back! I'm's been years since I've participated. But, here goes:
It's spring! No more snow(dog) and By(tor) the way, did the game end up in a Tai (shan).
It's funny to think that this blog might be stumbled upon with search terms as various as "Joel Osteen," "George Bush," "movies,"
"Drury Inn," and "Rush." If only Ken Baremore would participate, we could add "cock rings" to that eclectic list.
Here is a few more songs to add to the Rush Challenge:
Snakes And Arrows (the new album)
Far Cry
Armor and Sword
Workin' Them Angels
The Larger Bowl
The Main Monkey Business
The Way The Wind Blows
Bravest Face
Good News First
Malignant Narcissism
We Hold On
I wonder if I can take that Chinatown bus to get there.
Hard to believe that we're not all humming the tune to "Malignant Narcissism" on a daily basis. It just sounds so catchy.
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