Note to Katie Couric: Blow Me

Did anyone catch Katie Couric's lameass interview with John and Elizabeth Edwards for last week's "60 Minutes"? I'm not gonna link to that bullshit, but I'm sure the interview is floating around on U-toob or wherever. First, let's establish a little context: Katie Couric is a distant third in the evening news race. I'm not sure if she's even bringing in Bob Schieffer numbers anymore, and God knows she must be making roughly 13,000 times what B.S. made. Somehow, the freaky makeover that must have involved botoxing the shit out of K.C.'s face--and the fact that she did a complete joke of a morning show for years--somehow, that didn't sit well with the viewers. So what's a gal to do to win the crowd over? I know: beat up on a cancer victim and her husband with a round of repetitious, highly personal, and at times downright offensive questions that came straight out of a transcript of Rush Limbaugh's insane musings on the radio. But Katie, don't mention that your questions came from Rush or Glenn Beck or the other right wing nuts who would have trumpeted the bravery of any Republican candidate for Prez if he decided to press on with his bid even tho' his wife had terminal cancer. Nay, Your Perkiness--just keep going with that high school journalism line of "Some people say..." And don't mention, certainly, that you never quit your inane, ridiculous, utterly worthless and in no way socially redeeming (but highly lucrative) job of caffeinated morning host while your husband was dying from cancer. Cuz, y'know, then you might come off as a hypocrite and totally offend the dozen or so T.V. viewers who feel that the evening news just isn't worth their time if it doesn't offer a little leg action. Oh, and Katie: Bob Schieffer is sitting by his phone again these days, baby. FYI.
Matt Drudge on his Sunday night show played the audio of all of her questions. Ouch.
But, are you also telling Katie to, no, really, blow me? Come on, Tim. Watch those double entendres...
I thought it was a single entendre.
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