Dan Ho and I would always spend the evening at Drury Inns- when he would visit me in the St. Louis or Cape Girardeau area. These encounters with Dan Ho at the Drury Inns were not for a sexual purpose- since Dan and I agree that all forms of sexual desire are queer. We liked to kill everybody in the hotel and then burn the place down. Don Ho would also bring his entire family. There was one time when Dan also brought Mike Stevens. He thought we were boring. Dan and I decided to never go to another Drury Inn after I tried to kill him for snoring too loud.
Wow, at first I thought that Ben Butler had written this. I wondered aloud how he could fit in so quickly and understand the whole concept of Dan Ho without any formal training. But then I remembered the other gibbler with an encyclopedic knowledge of "Educated Bowlers" and Joe Wenderoth's musings on what the word "queer" means. And, of course, the killing of people...a Gerry Becker signature.
Thanks for clearing that up. I thought Dan Ho was a misspelling of Don Ho.
Have any of you seen Borat ?
There's a scene in that movie where Borat runs around the
hotel room with his traveling companion Azhmet completly butt-ass naked and ends up rolling around in the bed with him and behind him. That was what my nights were like at ol'
Drury Lodge. It mattered
not the location, Arnold, Festus, Fenton, Cape Girardeau, Jackson, the nights always ended up blissful
like this.
Oh, and killing people by sniper shooting from the second floor window of the motel was fun too.
Yes, and much more challenging to be a sniper when yer only on the second floor. More sporting. People on the parking lot are like, "Oh, shit, let's hide behind these cars. There's a sniper on the second floor of the Drury Inn!"
Also...wuz it a Drury Inn in Marshall, MN where me and Gerry once had a few beers with Dan Ho and his entire family? I thought it strange that Dan let the little tikes booze it up with the rest of us, but the Ho-master always goes his own way.
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