"Get that f&*#ing Prof. No. 3!"
Did y'all read about the brewing scandal just south of St. Louis? Seems a college administrator wants to pursue a Pay to Prof scheme against one Timmy Boehme. The Missouri Attorney General obtained a wiretap on the admin's phone, and here is an exerpt:
Admin: Enough about your effin' Rams. And stifle on some supposedly "coming soon" Tarantino movie. Are you gonna give me the money?
Boehme: Oh, man, and their pass defense just really--
Admin: Enough! This teaching position is f*#@ing valuable. Think about it: Hot Blondes Learning Chaucer 101. I mean, the title speaks for itself. And it's all yours if you just pay up.
Boehme: By "blondes," do you mean the generally accepted designation, of females particularly? Because, you know, there ARE blonde-haired men.
Admin: Of course--
Boehme: I mean, you know...
Admin: Yes, I know.
Boehme: DO you? Because I can't have the front row be filled with surfer dudes who misunderstood the course title.
Admin: Yes, yes. I do mean women. Now, about the money...
And it goes on from there. More to come, no doubt. Perhaps you all have some excerpts you've uncovered.
It IS a fucking valuable thing to have hot blonde chicks in my classes. Or, y'know...hot chicks of any hair color (one had pink hair this past semester).
As long as the chick doesn't sport a mullet, a butch haircut or have a Blagojevich hair-do, she can be in my class.
Sergio, hairstylist to the stars.
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