Line of the Day
Anybody catch "The Daily Show" last night? They showed a couple of the incriminating emails from this U.S. Attorneys scandal, then they made up a great fake email:
"Hey, let's fire some U.S. attorneys for purely political reasons and then save all of our emails about it.
Also...I cheated on my wife with an underage boy.
Seriously, don't delete this."
Yeah, and Nixon kept his tape machine recording, even when he was kibbutzing with Billy Graham about "the Jews" and when he was plotting coverups. Uh, Dick, maybe rethink the posterity recordings when you're being nefarious? Huh?
Sorry, I meant "kibbitzing," Yiddish for standing around, talking and gabbing. Not "kibbutzing"--kibbutz was some social, nationalist movement in Israel.
What Would Nixon Say?
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