TXB Has A New Show!

After taking a three year break from episodic television, TXB is back as the new host of "At the Movies." Boehme will take over when Roger Ebert dies, which should be soon, and then the new title of the show will be "Roeper and Boehme At the Movies." Richard Roeper hasn't said much about his expectations for how the show will change once Boehme comes on board, but he did mention that a "beeping" machine had to be installed in the show's studio in anticipation of the 20 or 30 curse words that Boehme is likely to utter during each movie review.
Speaking of Tim and shows, can old episodes of Educated Bowlers be somehow put online? Or bits of it put onto YouTube?
Not-really-enquiring minds want to know.
In order for that to happen, I would first have to get hold of a device that allows for the transfer of VHS to DVD. Or, I guess, Walgreens does it, too. So maybe I'll pay them just to trasfer the "best of" episode to DVD. I'll look into it...
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