
We went to see Batman: The Dark Knight last night. The very first thing I noticed, having lived
here for many years now, is how much Gotham City looks exactly like Chicago. The buildings,
the street scenes, and even the business names in the street scenes of Gotham City are very eerily similar to Chicago. It's a good thing that the Caped Crusaded did not fly off the Sears Tower or fight the Joker on the Hancock Building. That would have been even creepier.
Hey what ever happened to his sidekick Robin. Holy Bat Dung Batman !!!!
There's a reason why you had deja vu all over again, Master Ho. TDK wuz indeed filmed in the Windy City (and the Sears Tower made it in). Here's a link about it:,SHO-Sunday-batman13.article
Also, "Gotham City" is supposed to be a fictional city in the comix, not N.Y. specifically, even tho' New Yawk is often referred to as "Gotham" in the real world...and some N.Y. landmarks do make it into the comix.
Oh, were being sarcastic. Damn it, Dan...!
What ever happened to Robin ?
Did he die off somwhere in the storyline ?
An aside, Danny boy.
You knew that Rush was on the Colbert Report some days back?
Rush hasn't appeared on U.S. television since 1975, so this was a real treat. I personally don't watch the Colbert report, but I did find the video on the internet.
Someone yesterday wuz telling me that they thought Robin got left out this time around because there wuz always an implied gay thing with him and Batman. I think it's more that, with "Batman Begins," director Christopher Nolan wanted to return Batman to his dark and gritty roots. Having any kind of sidekick in that equation makes it come off as more of a buddy cop flick (tho' Frank Miller still had a grim "dark knight" and a young female Robin in "The Dark Knight Returns" comic book, so...).
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