"Plane...Meet Mountain": The Candidacy (and Idiocy) of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton

When the media knocks on my door--as they inevitably will--to axe me who the TXB-machine supports as the Democratic nominee for Prez in '08, my response shall be, "Anyone but Hillary." Seriously...Joe Biden, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson...heck, even that Vilsap dude. And why? Because, quite simply, Hillary is not a leader. She's like John Kerry: a weathervane (all Gore played the weathervane quite well in his last Presidential bid, too). Weathervanes just go whichever way the wind blows. If the majority of people are for the war, weathervanes are for the war. If the majority of people are against the war, weathervanes are against the war (tho' they'll prolly still be too fearful to actually stop the war). Can someone please explain to me why the Democratic party falls time and time again for the limp-wristed candidate who has to hire a focus group or go on a "listening tour" before she/he can form an opinion on anything?
Media analysts often use the word "calculating" to describe Hillary, which is about as kind of a word as one can use. It implies that Hillary will do or say whatever it takes to win the presidency, which seems true enough to me. She may be privately supportive of gay marriage, but she'll say in public that she's against it. She may rant and rave to Bill or Chelsea that the Brush-Clearer In Chief should be impeached and then shot, but Miss Thing will always assiduously avoid "controversial" (read: "Constitutional") concepts such as impeachment. No, let's have "oversight." When this country finally burns down to its last few embers in hell, let's make sure we got us a committee overseeing all the depravity of the Dumbfuck Decider...not opposing him, mind you, just looking on...keeping an eye on things...taking notes for future generations on how another empire fell. But here's a fucking news flash (read: "history lesson") about the calculating candidate: he or she...DOES NOT FUCKING WIN!!! Not anymore, anyway...whatever people may want after 9/11, they sure seem to want a leader and not a godamn calculator.
The media also describes Hillary as "cold"...which may be accurate...but it sorta implies that all those old fossils on Capitol Hill are whack-crazy-party-monsters. Come on...wax dummy John Boner (sorry, "Boehner") has all the charisma of a Chuck Norris dump. And cold as Hillary may (or may not) be in "real life," I have to believe that she does not want to see this country destroyed...nor does she wish to see another American solidier or Iraqi civilian die for no good reason in Iraq. But whatever warmth she may have in private, the chill comes on when she refuses to do what John Edwards hath finally done. Because, really, if you voted for the war, no matter who you are, the only way you get to have any credibility as a rational or sensitive politician at this point...is if you chant this little mantra over and over again: "I was wrong." Hell, I'll even let you slink away with, "I made a mistake." It's terrible to admit such a thing when you realize that you're admitting that over 3,000 of our soldiers died because of your mistake...BUT IT'S THE FUCKING TRUTH. C'mon, Hillary...be the kind of leader that George Bush has never been and never will be: the kind of leader who can admit she's wrong.
Well, I have to say, Tim gave us an item here I really haven't heard all the pundits say: the difference between a smart, good candidate, and, a Leader. And, yes, like her or not, she isn't that. Hell, even 12-year-old Obama at least SEEMS like a potential leader in comparison.
Tim "Hardball" Boehme leads us all ouf o' the wilderness once again.
Yes, and one does not even need to be a leader in the sense of bossing everyone around and shit. These days, any politician who can utter something that isn't just a flat out lie, equivocation, reversal of a previous position, or complete horseshit...that man or woman might be called a leader today with the current standards.
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