
Yes, a simple title to this blog entry. I couldv'e gone with Coultergeist. Or, Counter Coulter. Or, I'm Gonna Get You, Coulter, Dagnabbit! But Jenn has wondered at the dearth of Coulter raging here. I've been busy. Melissa loves her (only second on her list of "Potential Turners" to Soledad O'Brien). And, well, Boehme blows.
Say it ain't so, Melissa!! A conservative! I'm all about the Soledad thing, but Coulter. She's just nasty. We should publish our "turner" lists and compare!
Alas, I'll pre-empt any Melissa Outrage. Only tongue-in-cheek on the Coulter Love from Melissa. She I'm sure finds Ann as repulsive as, well, as I do.
I would've gone with "Ann Coulter: Skank Ho of the Universe," or perhaps something offensive.
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