Night at the Movie Theater

After taking a three year break from episodic television, TXB is back as the new host of "At the Movies." Boehme will take over when Roger Ebert dies, which should be soon, and then the new title of the show will be "Roeper and Boehme At the Movies." Richard Roeper hasn't said much about his expectations for how the show will change once Boehme comes on board, but he did mention that a "beeping" machine had to be installed in the show's studio in anticipation of the 20 or 30 curse words that Boehme is likely to utter during each movie review.
Seems a researcher has established the most horrible sound to the human ear. Guess what it is? Click on the link. Or, go here.
So, Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt has died. All y'all who've seen "All the President's Men" will remember his occurrence, as Bobby Woodward (Robert Redford) finds "H. H." initialled on a memo.
McCain added: "Rumsfeld will go down in history, along with McNamara, as one of the worst secretaries of defense in history." Donald Rumsfeld served as President Bush's secretary of defense from January 2001 to December 2006. Robert McNamara was Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War.
McCain has long criticized Rumsfeld, but in July 2004 at a campaign rally in Lansing, Mich., McCain said he had "known and admired" Cheney for more than 20 years and described him as "one of the most capable, experienced, intelligent and steady vice presidents this country has ever had.''
But that was then and this is now, and now McCain is making clear his frustrations with the Bush administration, the Iraqi military and "bureaucratic resistance" in the Pentagon to a troop surge.
...Because aren't there always many fecundity quotes every day to choose from?
Here's a riddle: what group of folks loves to stalk little kids and exploit the shit out of them whenever an opening presents itself? Ans.: pedophiles? Sure. But don't forget the media! Jesus Christ, can we get over this fucking "Missouri Miracle" bullshit and stop plastering Ben Ownby and that Shawn kid all over ever goddamn national and local newscast every single night? The fucking kids are safe. Shut the fuck up now, media whores. Oh, and families of exploited children: you are complete morons to go on Oprah or "The Today Show" and let your formerly kidnapped kid get picked at by these vultures. Maybe yer trying to attract the attention of an up-and-coming new pedophile? Or just screw your kid's mind up? Keep it up, hayseeds. You'll get that movie-of-the-week money, yet.
Gerard--who is surely the mystery man in the photo--axed me if I could sign him up for the blog. I tried, but it seems that I can't. The geniuses who run fucking now insist that you have a gmail/Google account to blog here. And you can only get a gmail account if you have a "mobile" phone. So it's on you, Gerr--go to and sign up for a new email account and then type in yer damn cell phone number so they can "text" you shit, I'm too bored to even explain this crap. This is yet another example in America where anything good eventually gets run into the ground by corporate fuckholes. Fuck you, blogger. com. Fuck you, Google. You wasted your stupid money on YouTube and your stocks are gonna tank to nothing someday soon.
I suppose Tim's glad the creator of Scooby-Doo is dead, too, huh? Didn't die by a jellyfish bite, but, all the same.
So, who's winning the Rosie/Trump battle? Is it even still going on? In a battle, aren't you s'posed to want at least one of them to win? And am I wrong in, well, not rootin' for either party? Is that so wrong?
The Gibblers held a semi-annual meeting last night at Trainwreck Saloon in Rock Hill. (Now, don't that name sound like a porn star's? I understand...)